Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Everyplace the area want to study to draw lessons from experience concerning region

The land offers for sale income to withdraw proportion or exaltation
Particularly develop public leasing housing
While completing to guarantee a building construction task this year, next year whole country guarantee the building constuct the task have already added code to 10,000,000 sets and have significant increment than this year.
The above authorities reveals that the center subsidizes funds next year affirmation will have significant increase, currently a few department Weis just in the problem that concretely studies central funds, after everyone moderates will report a project State Department.
In addition, according to the center of request, saving the class government has to contrast the standard kit of the center subsidy funds, everyplace the area want to study to draw lessons from experience concerning region, adequacy exaltation the land offer for sale income to withdraw a proportion, extension guarantee building construction collecting of funds outlet.While enlarging government devotion, actively encourage the area is invested the construction guarantee housing with the social funds everywhere.

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