Sunday, January 16, 2011

Accomplished healthy present condition of difficult speech of ecosystem in the market together

The self-discipline shortage still takes charge of tired?
From save to discard a theory war many yearends to settle phonic face powder of a hammer to increase white, arrive surface fresh fragrant spicy"chemistry chafing dish", the place takes charge of a section response to query of"deny all knowledge of event", separate a date each time meeting at public of the sense of vision bottom take turns to present to public.
The food safe turbulence cluster livings, people have already known, these not accidental circumstance, but Chinese society just from have no preface to turn toward the economy with a preface the track process accompany with since then of.The business organization self-discipline ability is lowly, government the section take charge of shortage and exterior direct the mechanism is out of order, accomplished healthy present condition of difficult speech of ecosystem in the market together.

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