Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And to you as soon as the Western Paradise

"Prince, get rid of enemy firepower. " The father, for a high explosive grenade thrown started insurance clasp enemy! "boom-" a loud sound, the two late left the enemy bombing on the day, at the same time, relocation of the prince also projected a deadly bullets, opened the head of a machine gun. Fighting continues...... The blue Hao side fired at the same time, in particular to the door of the nine enemies, has been close to the garden. The front door suddenly heard gunshots masterpiece that they are offensive, thus leading the enemy a sign that the commencement of operations. The rapid advance to the garden. After hiding in the garden of fangs from their night vision goggles, looking at the enemy will soon go into the ambush circle, Fang gradually picked up in the remote control and sneer at that level would like to come to me, and to you as soon as the Western Paradise. In the neck and the radio button lightly hammering the sound of two to the preparations. Most of the enemy has entered the ambush circle, but at this time, lead the enemy suddenly a sign that the rapid retreat from others, because he had found the wrong here, is a long war battlefield enemies. Prompt judgement. But where poisonous teeth to them the opportunity to find out what knew that the enemy, not hesitate to rapidly pressed the button in the remote control. "boom-----h-----" sound, power control over the orientation of the bomb, more than 15 metres radius, suddenly exploded around the enemy. Hot air waves pressure bend the garden of trees. "soon. Quick! -- "found after an explosion, but has not been completely lose its combat power of the enemy, Fang rapid action order players. heard command, team members quickly turn out to cover the Chong hidden while shooting at the side of the enemies in the past. The sudden bomb attacks on enemy lost three individuals, but after all, the mercenaries fighting experience, and the others did not retreat, because if back then, it will be exposed to drugs teeth behind them, so that they would only be the result of the fighter. enemy speedy establishment of a simple defensive positions. The time of the enemy firepower to attack the drug suppression down teeth. "death, even so much! It is indeed a world of mercenaries. "A drug abuse and a sound, rapid and players could place in the attack. Both sides have been plunged into a deadlock, but there were fewer than the enemies of the blue Hao them, and the longer the time, the greater risk factors. christian louboutin sale Thus blue Hao in communication devices, "Fang, now order you one minute address you on the other side of the enemy, in particular to support our behind the enemy. " At present, most of the enemies are blue Hao to attract the front, and that is, Fang where the enemy is a very small part of a rapid solution only for fangs enemy, and

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