Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lily lungs and heat, blood Lai Yung

Lily lungs and heat, blood Lai Yung, chronic dry cough, sore throat and other useful wolfberry with nourishing liver and kidney, eyes and nerves, the benefits of looking, long muscles, strong bones and muscles of the effect, on liver and kidney yin deficiency , waist and knee weakness, dizziness, consumptive cough, nocturnal emission has significant effects on sickness asparagus on the various types of cancer are preventive and therapeutic efficacy mushrooms with qi, taste, the effect of promoting blood circulation, could prevent rickets , anemia, loss of appetite, liver cirrhosis, cancer and herve leger other diseases vegetables have anti-cancer effects and prevention of many diseases, because most vegetables contain a substance mmm interferon induced immune agent, which acts on human cells interferon gene, can produce interferon
a healthy human cells, raw vegetables can play its role. Therefore, herve leger dress anything that can be eaten raw, is best eaten raw; can not be eaten raw, and do not fry too cooked, stir quickly to minimize the loss of nutrients. raw material purchase to: all supermarket buy Today I feel at home yo's Shuileyitian Yesterday : sleep, woke up this morning, : a, : wake up time, :, the last eleven multiplied, and turn on the radio listening to the radio, lock FM., which put the songs are about love, is also present in this situation can only put up these songs after I drank two bags of walnuts Mengniu milk, herve leger bandage dress Want Want crackers, rice cakes a Want Want snow, noon I did not eat rice, the network will look at news, a little more, then patch to sleep, always felt trapped at home, usually too tired to sleep on the Sleep ~ ~ ~ Hey ~ ~ ~ ~ The sleep sleep to four point more, but for a phone call woke me up

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