Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chen Mingkai see all Staff have been in place

Chen Mingkai see all Staff have been in place, looking up from his seat slides from each person's face: \informed about the situation, and then explain our plan for this. Zhou Rui's team has been tracking the project, paid a heavy price, through two rounds of bidding we still fall short. Although we lost this project, but does not affect our banks continue to work with a more in-depth by the letter of the relationship, and I believe this failure is the basis for future success. \and Zhou Rui has been said about the project, he proposed to resign for this project, the specific details, such as leave time and conditions are still being discussed, but I believe that Zhou Rui will continue to support the completion of this quarter, christian louboutin we should achieve. \Greeting the crowd up and understand the vision, efforts to control their own voice, said: \will leave the company. but by the Wellcome Trust Bank and did not contract this quarter has not yet closed, although the slim chance I should not give up.'s resignation is something beyond this quarter, and now I and everyone together. \real responsibility, what the benefits of delay. \was depressed in order to down as soon as possible, and now the goal has been reached, he loudly declared the meeting concluded: \can affect our performance. \parting words to it. \Fang Wei and Qian Shi-wei has been stood up, he suddenly realized that if he refused christian louboutin shoes Zhou Rui speaking, this will produce immediate physical conflict, said Zhou Rui had nodded down. Zhou Rui see the conference room at the Beijing area 100 sales staff are looking at ourselves, and exclaimed: \prepared to face failure. as long as there is a strong team, failure is not terrible. temporary failure, simply lick the wound together as can also be rushed to a different direction. While the project by letter and bank little hope, but I do not worry about the future prospects of this team, we have built in Beijing to peak out a team. \spirit, this is my real worry. Integrity is the foundation for the team, which requires each team member to achieve a just and double, can not be above their own interests above the team, in order to sell the team goal of their own. If we are dismal their plan, the team can not survive in the fierce competition, the ultimate result will be a failure. but some people like to engage this happens on a set, thinking that picking the cheap, in fact, do not know the demise of the team in eyes, this is a shortcut to personal interests, but ruin the whole team. \Cloud cover can be inconsistent record of hands for the rain, in fact, everyone can see it christian louboutin sale clearly, plainly mind also, in the end you are really helping them, or in the use of them. your valuable help to others, others will rely on and I believe you just rely on their power to control and dominate the team, sooner or later will be knocked to the ground. the ancient Chinese emperor is it? himself as the emperor's was the emperor of the Chen Putian Do nobleman, the rate of soil Sea King Could soil, enough high-handed, right? eventually how, or thrown to the ground by farmers. You sit in this position, power is not God-given, your income every point, every point is your glory team desperately to help you earn out, what right have you high above, on the person who you do not have to denounce the use of compounds. \Czech Branch is a very good company, everyone here must have a good development opportunities, when they become a team manager when requested we can remember what I said: Let your team to maintain integrity within the culture. Finally, I want to I thank my team, just when the team returned to Beijing lifeless do not see any hope, we in the shortest possible time on the resumption of the fight ...

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